About us

Sapec Group was established in Portugal in 1926 to exploit the pyrite mines of Lousal, Grândola.
It quickly integrated vertically into the production of phosphate fertilizers, then progressively expanded and developed its production and commercialization activities to other agricultural production factors.
For decades, the production and commercialization of fertilizers, plant protection products, seeds, and animal feed were Sapec’s main core activities.
After selling its main business area, Sapec Agro Business, in 2016, Sapec focused on restructuring some of its other activities and, through a significant investment program, on strengthening and increasing the capacity of the assets related to these businesses.
In 2019, it acquired a stake in Algaia and created TLA, marking the first steps towards rejuvenating its portfolio and expanding into areas more directly related to the environment and sustainability.
In 2020, the SPC terminal in Setúbal was remodeled, and a new warehouse was built in Valongo, which became operational in the first half of 2020.
At the end of 2020, investments were made in new activities (reinforced in 2021) in AlgaPlus (aquaculture of seaweed and fish with organic certification).
In January 2021, AlgaPlus increased its capital, allowing it to finance its ambitious investment plan and increase its stake to 57%.
In 2021, the STP concession was extended until June 2025.
In 2022, the Aurora Agreement (Galp + Northvolt) was signed.
In 2023, the stake in Algaia was sold, and an energy community was created in partnership with Greenvolt, involving several companies from the SAPEC Group, with the potential to expand to other companies located on the Mitrena peninsula, ensuring 20% energy autonomy in Setúbal.
In 2024, a new business area specialized in water treatment solutions, PURA, was created, as well as a cross-functional area focused on innovation, with the first priorities being green chemistry and the valorization of algae extracts.

O nosso portefólio:
Providing multimodal logistics services at its platforms in Setúbal and Valongo (SPC);
Offering port logistics services (Sapec Terminais Portuários – solid and liquid bulk quays, Navipor – stevedoring with an emphasis on roll on/roll off, and Operestiva – temporary provision of port labor);
Aquaculture of green and red algae with organic certification for the food, cosmetics, and nutraceutical sectors. (AlgaPlus);
Real Estate (Sapec Industrial Parks);
Providing water treatment services and solutions, offering customized solutions for clients (PURA).
Our history:
Creation of the water treatment company PURA
Venda da participação da empresa TLA
Sale of the stake in the company Algaia
Agreement with Aurora company (Galp + Northvolt)
Capital increase in the company Algaplus
Capital increase in the company Algaplus
Extension of the solid bulk concession
Start of operations of the company TLA
Acquisition of the company Algaplus
Renegotiation of the solid bulk concession of STP
Acquisition of the company Algaia
Investment in the company TLA
Focus on SPC in Setúbal and Valongo, discontinuing activities in Póvoa and Bobadela
The Velge family now holds 100% of Sapec
Sapec shares are no longer listed on Euronext Brussels
Suspension of Interpec Ibérica’s activities
Liquidation of Sapec Finance
Sale of the company Citri
Sale of the company Sapec Agro
Sale of the company Tradecorp
Acquisition of the company OGT
Incorporation of the company ELI
Closure of the company Seporta
Sale of the company Seporsur
Sale of the company Seporta
Sale of the stake in the company Sisav
Investment in the company Sisav
Sale of the company Logic
Sale of the company Zetes
Acquisition of the company Seporsur
Sale of the company Sapec rações
Acquisition of the company Seporta
Capital increase in the company Citri
Investment in the company Citri
Sale of the company TEM
Sale of the company Terlis
Sale of the company Sotagus
Acquisition of the company Tradecorp
Sale of the company Cap Gemini
Acquisition of the company Agro Spain
Sale of the company Sapec adubos
Sale of the company Prológica
Delisting of SPC
Closure of the Lousal mines
Acquisition of the company SPC
Sapec incorporation (mining)